Low-level PostScript printing

If the current printer is a PostScript device and ``Use Standard PostScript'' is not ticked then will start up dvips and display the following dialog: to 2.4in

This dialog box lets you change a variety of print options. The option you'll want to change most often is the page range. The two scroll bars control the first and final pages. prevents you from choosing a first page greater than the final page. Play around with the scroll bars but restore their values so that every page will be printed. A number of check boxes let you change the paper orientation (landscape or portrait), the page order (reverse or normal), whether or not PK fonts should be compressed (useful at high resolutions or when very large fonts are used), the paper source (manual feed or normal input tray), whether or not to show statistics (equivalent to -d7), and whether or not to make missing PK fonts. Any change to a check box option will be remembered the next time you print a DVI file, unless you decide to Cancel the dialog. The pop-up menu makes it easy to add extra dvips options. Selecting an option from the menu will automatically append it to the current options. If an option requires a parameter then selects the parameter template so you can type in the desired number, string, or whatever. You can of course ignore the pop-up menu and just type in your options. (Details on all dvips options can be found in the DVIPS item in the Help menu.) Two radio buttons let you send the output to the printer or to a file. We'll use the printer, so click on the Print button (or hit Return). You can't actually print every page in nasty.dvi because there is a deliberate error that makes this impossible. The first 11 pages should not cause any problems (assuming you're using A4 paper) but the rest will generate nearly every type of error message you're ever likely to encounter. You should eventually get up to page 17 where a deliberate PostScript error in a \special file will prevent any further pages being printed.